Sunday, December 14, 2014

Day 7 - Week after my surgery

This was my breakfast yesterday and my chef.  Not too shabby.  I have not been taking my pain meds and I am doing pretty good.  No pain, really.  Still slight pressure as I wobble myself to the bathroom, but nothing I can't handle.  I was walking a bit more yesterday, doing lundry and putting dishes away, but I might have over done it because I had little slight sharp pains and my large toes were numb last night.  So I figured I will take it easy today.  Which I tried for the most part but my family figured that because I have been mobile I can feed myself now so no one asks if I am hungry, so if I don't get it myself, I don't eat. So I did make myself oatmeal for breakfast and protein shake for lunch.  While my family went to  church this morning I also did the dishes, folded lundry...and too garbage out.  My family doesn't seem bothered by the mess and by being disorganized but my OCD kicks in and I drive myself nuts and do what I can when they are not here or not looking.  Hopefully I am not jeopardizing my recovery.  I really need to go back to the gym.  I DON' T like being this sedentary.  Tuesday I am going for my first check up and change of dressing.  Hopefully this process will be rather painless.  I will tryto take some pictures.  For now my toes stay purple and I keep icing them.

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